Private Confession and Absolution
By appointment
Bible Study
A congregational Bible study is held on Sunday following the late service at that church.
Midweek Services
Every Wednesday at 6:15PM an evening prayer service is held at St. Paul's
*During the season of Advent the time is changed to 6:30PM
*During the season of Lent the time is also changed to 6:30PM and the location will switch weekly. Please see the schedule for those services.
2024 Sunday Services:
The blessed Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated weekly at St. Paul's and St. John's.
*Service times switch every four months
10:00 AM Jan-Apr
8:00 AM May-Aug
10:00 AM Sept-Dec
8:00 AM Jan-Apr 2026
8:00 AM Jan-Apr
10:00 AM May-Aug
8:00 AM Sept-Dec
10:00 AM Jan-Apr 2026
Ladies Society - a chapter of the Lutheran Women Missionary League (LWML)
Membership open to all women of St. Paul's and St. John's
The Ladies Society holds monthly meetings, visits shut-in members of the congregation, provides meals for funerals and special services, an annual no-bake sale fundraiser for selected missions, Mite Box collections for missions, Zone rallies, District and National conventions, and more.
Lutheran Youth Society (LYS)
Membership open to all post-confirmation youth (and guests)
LYS Holds monthly meetings every fourth Sunday, which consist of a Bible study and/or special activity and a prayer service.
Altar Guild
Membership open to any member in good standing from St. Paul's or St. John's, men and women
The Altar Guild serves the Church by caring for the Sanctuary, its furnishings, and the holy appointments of the Sanctuary, such as the paraments, communion vessels, linens, etc.
Meetings are held every other month to discuss the duties of the Altar Guild and to study topics related to the Divine Service, its rites, ceremonies, symbols, and history.
Requirements for members:
1. A desire to serve the Church
2. Spiritual commitment, i.e. weekly church attendance and devotional life
Our Statement Concerning Holy Communion
We believe that in the Lord’s Supper our Lord Jesus Christ is giving to us His true body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins (Matthew 26:26-28). Whoever believes these words: “Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins,” receives the very thing Jesus has promised.
We also believe that it is possible to receive Jesus’ body and blood to your spiritual harm if you are unprepared to receive this gift (1 Corinthians 11:29). And, furthermore, that communing at this altar is a manifestation of unity in doctrine amongst those who share this holy meal (1 Corinthians 10:17). Since it is our desire that you receive this gift to your good and so that we may have true fellowship with you, if you are not a member of a congregation in fellowship with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod we kindly ask that you would not commune during the Divine Service nor come up to the altar. However, please introduce yourself to the pastor before the service if possible. If you are a member of a congregation in fellowship with the LCMS, in good standing, agree with the doctrine of the LCMS, and desire to commune with us and the Lord when you are visiting St. Paul's or St. John's please introduce yourself to the pastor prior to the service. God be with you always.

What is our worship like?
The Divine Service is GOD's SERVICE to bring us the free gifts of salvation, which Jesus won on the Cross. God does this through His preached Word and His Sacraments (Baptism, Absolution, the Lord's Supper). Through these He not only freely forgives our sins, but also strengthens us in our Christian life so that we may continue to repent of our sin and do good works. (Lk 24:46-47; Titus 3:4-8; Mt 26:26-27; Eph 2:8-10; Acts 2:42)
What do Lutherans believe?
The entire Bible is the infallible and inerrant Word of God and the only source and rule of doctrine. (Heb 1:1-2; Rev 22:18-19). The Book of Concord (the Lutheran Confessions, see Resources page) is a correct exposition of Holy Scripture.
*Beware, the ELCA and some other so-called Lutheran church bodies do not believe this, therefore, these church bodies are falsely called Lutheran.
Lutherans believe what?!
The Lutheran Church is the continuation of the ancient Catholic Church whose doctrine does not change. (Gal 1:8-9; Eph 2:19-22)
*The Roman Catholic Church has swerved from the pure Biblical teaching of the apostolic Church. It accepts non-biblical teachings under the title of "Tradition." Such teachings include salvation by works apart from the Gospel of Christ (Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) 847); after conversion a Christian must merit/earn God's grace and eternal life by doing works of charity (CCC 2025); and besides Jesus, a human can be conceived without sin and remain without sin (CCC 491, 493). These teachings of the Roman Catholic Church oppose Christ's clear teaching in Rom 10:13-17; Jn 8:36; Rom 3:20-26; Gal 3:1-6; Rom 6:23; Rom 5:1; Lk 1:47; and 1 Cor 5:21, for example.